Plans for 2015

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The new year is approaching fast with only 2 days left to go and if you're like me you have a list of resolutions for the new year. Here are my top 6.

  1. Finish working on Z's Dish

Don't worry, I have almost everything set up and finished for my business. The only things that need to be completed are finishing testing out all the recipes so that I can make sure the food that I give out to people actually tastes good, and it's not even that many food items, maybe around 5 or less.

Yet, I really want to get everything out there so that I can relax a little and start doing some fun things with the company (I also want to test out the new mixer I got for Christmas). Such as having limited-time items and sales instead of worrying about having to keep testing recipes and perfecting them, which takes a lot more time than you'd think. Plus, I want to really start promoting more so that more people will (hopefully) come and buy some food from me.

     2.  Fundraising more

This sort of goes hand in hand with the first resolution and I know it's a really broad topic, but let me just explain this one a little.

Starting January 1, I only have 5 months until my last deadline for the money going towards my trip, which means I really need to kick my fundraising into high gear. What I mean by this is holding auctions, making more art for me to put up on Etsy, I plan on applying to Rita's so some of that pay can go towards Japan, and a whole bunch of other stuff that I will probably post on here, so stay tuned!

      3. Learn Japanese

I'll be totally honest, and say that I've been slacking off a little on my Japanese, but starting the new year I am going to learn as much as I possibly can so that I am prepared for when I go to Japan. And as much as I don't want to , I'm going to attempt and learn more Kanji.

     4. Blog more

I know I haven't been the most constant blogger with my last post being weeks ago and I'm sorry for that, but I have been super busy lately and just haven't had a lot of time on my hands. However, I will make sure, starting January 1 that I will blog as much as I can!

     5. Get Fit

I know this one is sort of cliche, but going into the new year, it's also a new beginning and I really want to start getting back into being healthy, getting rid of all the junk I ate during Christmas. I may not necessarily be fat, but I do want to be healthier!

    6. Just be happy

Like I said, the new year is a new beginning. I want to forget all the bad things that happened in 2014 and not let the bad things that may happen this year get to me. So I'm making a Happy Moments jar to keep me in good spirits. If you don't know what this is, how it works is when something good happens (and it can be anything good, even that you got a shirt for $2, which is totally awesome!) you write it down and put it in your Happy Moments jar. Then, at the end of the year you look at all the good things that happened that year. Yet, if you want you can look at it whenever you're sad to cheer you up.

What are your resolutions for 2015?

Be happy and live your life to the fullest,

                                                                 ~ Zoe


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